About The Competition

About the competition

The Generation €uro Students' Award is Ireland's leading economics competition for Transition and 5th Year students. Every year we search for Ireland’s brightest young economists to enact the role of the European Central Bank’s Governing Council, perform their own analysis of the economy and set what they believe is an appropriate interest rate for the euro area. Students enter the competition in teams of three to five, with a nominated teacher acting as mentor. Participants are tested over three different rounds - a quiz, a written analysis and a presentation. The successful teams from the online quiz proceed to the second round where they are asked to analyse economic conditions and determine what they believe to be the appropriate interest rate for the euro area. Three finalists are then chosen to attend the National Final, where they present their findings to a panel of senior economists at the Central Bank.  The winning team and teacher travel to the ECB in Frankfurt for an award ceremony where they meet the ECB President and the winning teams from across Europe. Throughout the competition, the Central Bank of Ireland is on-hand to help both teachers and students, provide updates and additional resources across all of our channels and at www.generationeuro.ie





If you have any questions about the competition or any of the stages, please get in touch with us at  generationeuro@centralbank.ie or give us a call on (01) 224 4572.