Data Protection Policy


All personal data provided by participants will be processed in accordance with EU and Portuguese data protection laws, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and subsequent legislation implementing these legal instruments (General Data Protection Regulation).

Such duty to inform explains the rationale behind why your personal data are collected and processed, their purposes and how you may exercise your rights in accordance with the legislation on data protection.


I. Personal data controller

The processing of personal data provided in the registration form and the data processed for the purposes of the “Generation €uro” competition ( is the joint responsibility of the Banco de Portugal and the other Eurosystem banks, namely:

(i)     European Central Bank; (ii)    Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique (Belgium); (iii)    Deutsche Bundesbank (Germany); (iv)   Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland); (v)    Banco de España (Spain); (vi)   Banque de France (France); (vii)   Banca d’Italia (Italy); (viii)  Banque centrale du Luxembourg (Luxembourg); (ix)   Oesterreichische Nationalbank (Austria); (x)    Banka Slovenije (Slovenia); (xi)   Národná banka Slovenska (Slovakia); and (xii)  Suomen Pankki (Finland).  

II. Purpose of the processing of personal data

Those who wish to enter the competition have to be over the age of 13 and must fill in the registration form on the Generation €uro website ( All the participants’ data will be added to a database managed by the Banco de Portugal. All personal data are collected and processed for the purposes of managing the competition, ranking the participants, awarding the prizes at national competition level and contacting and providing the participants with relevant information in the context of the competition.

By entering their personal data, participants consent to the publication of the name of the winning team and the names of its members on the websites of the ECB and/or national central banks and/or to their announcement at public events.

By providing the personal data requested to participate in the events described above, participants consent to the processing of those data. Furthermore, express consent to the dissemination of such data on the websites of the national central banks, the European Central Bank and their designated partners will be requested. In turn, express consent to the dissemination of data on social media will also be requested. 

Participants can withdraw thes consent at any time by contacting the Banco de Portugal’s Data Protection Officer ( Future processing of their personal data will stop once they have withdrawn their consent, but prior processing will remain lawful.


III. Lawfulness and legitimacy for the processing of personal data

The lawfulness of this data processing is imposed by:

  • Articles 6 (1)(a) and 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation;
  • Article 5(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data.

•    Article 5(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data.


IV. Categories of personal data to be processed

We process:

  • The information that participants provide in the registration form, namely:

    • Participants' name and surname;

    • School name and address;

    • Email addresses of the team leader and teachers;

    • Dates of birth of the students;

    • Photos and videos of the participants taken during the competition.


V. Access to the personal data

Personal data will be received by the Banco de Portugal, the entity in charge of managing the competition, as well as by external service providers involved in the organisation of the Generation €uro competition.

Personal data collected by the Generation €uro website will also be transferred to the European Central Bank and to euro area national central banks to enable them to manage, where necessary, the competition at national level. The national central banks to which personal data may be disclosed are listed in Section I of this policy.

The European Central Bank may also receive information on the data subjects selected for the final award event with a view to providing them with the appropriate registration information for the relevant event.

Personal data processing by the national central banks, in the framework of the competition, is subject to the guarantees provided in the General Data Protection Regulation. In turn, the processing of personal data by the European Central Bank in the context of the competition is subject to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.


IV. Retention period

Personal data, provided when registering on the Generation €uro website, are kept by the Banco de Portugal for three (3) years, counting from the day on which they were submitted.

Personal data such as photos and videos taken during the competition will be kept by the Banco de Portugal for five (5) years, counting from the day on which the personal data (including portraits, photographs or videos) are obtained.

Personal data on social media related to the competition will be kept for as long as the social media channels indicate in their privacy statements.


VII. Participants’ rights

Participants have the right to access and rectify their personal data, to restrict the processing of the data and to ask for data to be erased. Depending on the specifics of the data processing operation, participants may also have the right to data portability and to object to their data being processed.

Participants can exercise their rights or ask for clarifications regarding personal data by contacting the Banco de Portugal’s Data Protection Officer:

Participants have the right of recourse to the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (CNPD), as supervisory authority, regarding the processing of their personal data, at



This cookie usage policy is an integral part of the Data Protection Policy of the website.


I. Definition of "cookie"?

A cookie is a text file that contains information and is stored on the user’s device when the user accesses a website.

The main objective is to recognise the user when accessing the website and to improve the quality of the website, to make it easier and simpler to use.

Cookies are essential for the internet to function; they do not damage your device and, if enabled in the browser settings, they help to identify and solve possible errors with the website.


II. Cookies used by the website

Functional cookies, which cannot be disabled, are used to improve browsing experience, access to the user profile and access to other resources in secure areas of the website.

The website uses analytical cookies, more specifically, via Google Analytics, to provide information on how visitors use websites. Such cookies collect aggregate information to give an overview of how the website is being used. Such cookies collect aggregate information to give an overview of how the website is being used.

The table below shows the types of cookies used and their purposes:[1]


[1] Source of information on cookies:


The Banco de Portugal undertakes to only store cookies for the purposes mentioned above. However, it has no control on their use by Google, which is the entity in charge of analytical cookies.


III. Cookie settings

The settings tool only controls the analytical cookies that require prior consent for their use. Functional cookies cannot be disabled.

Most browsers allow the user to manage the cookies stored in the device, as well as to immediately remove them if the user wishes to disable the local storage of cookies. 


IV. Browser settings

In accordance with the current legislation, information is provided on how the user can set the browser to manage and keep privacy and security in relation to cookies through links to access the official websites of the main browsers, so as to decide whether or not to accept the use of cookies.

Therefore, you can block cookies using the options in the browser’s settings.

Cookie settings can also be changed in your browser’s settings.


V. Questions

Should you have any questions, you can always contact the Banco de Portugal’s Data Protection Officer at