About the Competition

A presentation session of the competition will take place on 26 October at 2:00pm at the BCL or online via Webex if preferred. Write to generationeuro@bcl.lu to participate!

What is the Generation Euro Students’ Awards?

The "Generation €uro" competition is open to secondary school students aged 16 to 19 interested in economics.

It aims at developing the students' understanding of monetary policy and of the role of central banks.

The competition is played in teams of three to five students supervised by a "coach" teacher. Any team can participate in English or French.

The timeline for the 2023-2024 ECB’s competition is as follows


Once registered, teams will be able to take part in the first event, an online quiz with 30 questions that will be available until 26 November 2023 on the competition site.

The best teams at the end of this event will qualify for the second event, in which the teams will have until 6 March 2024 to propose in writing a monetary policy decision on the basis of an analysis of the economic and of the monetary and financial situation in the euro area.

The top three teams from this second round will be called for the final in March or April 2024 (exact date to be confirmed), where they will have to explain to a jury of BCL experts the reasons for their new monetary policy decision.


prixExciting prizes await the best teams!

Members of the three finalist teams will have the opportunity to complete a paid internship at the BCL

Each finalist will receive a BCL collector’s coin, a voucher and small presents.



Les finalistes en 2019
2019 finalists with Mr Gaston Reinesch, governor of the BCL