In principle, between 16 and 19 years of age. Exceptions are possible.

From three to five students from the same high school, interested in economics, supervised by a "coach" teacher. 

One member registers his or her team on this site by clicking on "Sign up".

Write to generationeuro@bcl.lu to register for the presentation session of Thursday 26 October at the BCL or via Webex.

In November, an online quiz. In March, the drafting of a monetary policy decision. In March or April, a presentation to the BCL jury.

It is possible to register until 26 November 2023.

A paid internship at the BCL.

BCL gifts, including a collector's coin, gadgets, and cash prizes.


We advise you to read the press as well as to regularly consult the ECB's website, in particular its explainers.

In addition, the Resources page of this site gives you more ideas for further research.

Write to generationeuro@bcl.lu if you have any questions.

In addition, preparation sessions will be organised by the BCL before each step to make sure you have all the elements to succeed!